Latest bookmarks (page 2 of 34)

14 Jun •
"If you have a server with a world facing ssh server, you've probably seen brute force attacks in your logs. Some machine starts hammering your ssh server, trying all sorts of logins (staff, root, a, admin, etc...) over and over and over again. This is bad on a lot of fronts. I use two simple"
11 Jun •
"This tool extracts and displays data from the Recall feature in Windows 11, providing an easy way to access information about your PC's activity snapshots. - xaitax/TotalRecall"
12 May •
"Grab a bargain! A 4K, waterproof helmet cam, with anti-shaking, WiFi connectivity and around 2.5 hours of battery, for 20% cheaper than anywhere else!"
11 May •
"A list of new(ish) command line tools"
9 May •
"Can things be turned around at Tesla, or is this the beginning of the end?"
9 May •
""The structural inefficiency was a huge deal.""
9 May •
"ZTDNS brings the best of both worlds to DNS: encryption and fine-grained control."
1 May •
"We might hear more about bike packing than touring these days, but Emma Silversides thinks we should forget the labels and just get pedalling"